Monday, April 17, 2017

{Book Review} "Hello, My Name Is" by Matthew West

Rating: 4/5

What's your name? We all have a name our parents gave us, but what about other names you've been given? Perhaps you have a nickname that everyone calls you. But do you know what God calls you? Hello, My Name Is by Matthew West seeks to educate readers on their true identities in Christ. 

What do you believe about yourself? Where we find out identities is so vitally important to how we view ourselves, and how we view the people around us. Do you truly believe that you're a Child of God, or are you more inclined to believe that you're too far gone for God to love? If that's you, this book is for you. 

If you had to think of your deepest struggle in life and write it on a name tag, would would it be?

"Hello, my name is shame."
"Hello, my name is liar."
"Hello, my name is adulter." 

The good news is that your past doesn't have to define you. If you're currently in a situation that feels hopeless, and you're grasping at anything you can to stay afloat, stop struggling and turn to God. God erases our names and calls us His child. 

This book isn't just about discovering your identity. It's about discovering God's identity. Through exploring the names God, West correlates the beliefs we may have about ourselves to the truths that God says about us. If we're "desperate" we can rest assured that God is Jehovah-Jireh. If your name is "confused," just remember that God's is "Wonderful Counselor" (West ch. 2). Discovering God's identity will clarify to us just why we can be sure we are called "Children of God."

Hello, My Name Is is such an important book because it discusses topics that everyone struggles with at some point: believing lies about yourself, having a damaged sense of identity, feeling like God is too far away, longing for happier times in the past. These topics apply to unbelievers and believers alike because the very basis of our identity can sometimes leave us shaken. Matthew West has done an incredible job penning a book that explains the hope we have in Christ. The true stories that West includes about lives transformed by God make the book an interesting read.

The title of this book came from a song Matthew West wrote several years ago. Check out the music video below--the theme coincides with the book perfectly. Watch the video, then dig into the book. It's worth it!

I received an eARC of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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