Rating: 5/5
"Home is more of an ellipsis point than a period, a continuation rather than a conclusion. It tends to be an ongoing list of people and places and experiences that have mattered, that have changed us one way or another."
In 44 days, I'll board a plane that will take me far from "home" and thrust me into my new adventure as a teacher in Budapest, Hungary. This is exactly the book I needed to read in this time of transition. DiFelice's description of home resonated deeply with me.
Almost There is written from the perspective of a military wife who is constantly having to move, readjust, get settled, then move again. DiFelice tackles topics such as wanting to go "home," the importance of establishing a community in your new town, the importance of finding a church home, the need for hospitality and more. Through it all, she tells personal stories of her life on the move that are incredibly easy to relate to. A transient life means hard things, and DiFelice writes honestly of her family's struggles. She writes so honestly that it leaves readers feeling like they're not alone in this life on the move stuff.
Almost There encouraged me to push through the hard beginnings and to work hard to establish "home" wherever I God calls me. I definitely recommend this book to anyone living a transient life. More than anything, it's nice to just have someone state that "home" doesn't have to be a place. DiFelice's description of home is what made the book mean so much to me as I'm preparing to take off from my US "home" and head to Hungary.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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