Tuesday, October 10, 2017

First 50 Days in Hungary

 I've lived in Hungary for 50 days.

Here are 50 things I've learned since moving to a foreign country.

1. The simplest things that I do without thinking in America are much harder when there's a language barrier. 
2. Observe everything.
3. Pray often.
4. Never stop exploring.
5. Celebrate the little successes.
6. Not all phone plans are created equally.
7. Be open to new experiences.
8. Allow time to process all the change.
9. Never make statements about things being "weird here."
10. It's not weird, it's different.
11.Public transportation is fantastic.
12. Appreciate other English speakers.

13. Avoid an American bubble--embrace the culture.
14. Learning to think in a foreign currency is much harder than I expected.
15. The Hungarian language is much harder than I ever imagined. 
16. Hungarian class is no joke.
17. Not being able to understand signs in the city is so confusing.
18. Cooking is actually fun #adulting
19. It's very possible to feel at home in a foreign country.
20. Distance changes relationships.
21. Feel fear but don't let it hold me back.
22. Patience.
23. Mosquitoes still haunt people even in October
24. Comparison is the root of dissatisfaction.
25. Time is not money and I need to slow down often.
26. Allll the flexibility. Plans aren't really actual plans, right?

27. Talk less, listen more.
28. Unplug from technology more often.
29. God knows my struggles and my frustrations and He's growing me through them.
30. Friends are so good for the soul.
31. Worship is worship no matter what language it's in.
32. Saying "no" is not a bad thing.
33. But say "yes" to adventure as often as possible.
34. Laugh often. When everything fails, laugh even more.
35. Ask for help. 
36. Have realistic expectations.
37. Creating a comfortable home is important.
38. Sleep is beautiful.
39. A bad day can't last more than 24 hours.
40. Appreciate the good days.
41. Facetime is a wonderful thing.
42. Decisions are hard.
43. Getting lost in the city is only a bad thing if you choose to be negative about it.
44. Teaching in a new culture is all kinds of different.
45. Teaching in a new culture is all kinds of amazing.
46. Gluten-free bread in Europe is the greatest. 
47. Ordering in a foreign language is basically the hardest.
48. European coffee shops are spectacular. 
49. Humor is very cultural. 
50. God will guide me through my time here.

Pretty sure that's the most random list I have ever compiled. These first fifty days have been incredible. Looking forward to the next fifty.

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