Tuesday, January 17, 2017

{Book Review} "Counter Culture: Following Christ in an Anti-Christian Age" by David Platt

Rating: 5/5

Counter Culture highlights many social issues that inflict the world today, and author David Platt writes from the perspective of how Christians should handle such issues. Platt originally published Counter Culture in 2014 but he has updated this edition to include new issues, such as the refugee crisis. Touching on important topics, such as abortion, sex trafficking, marriage, racial tension and the orphan crisis, Platt gives readers a clear understanding of how Christians are to respond to these issues. Counter Culture is basically a call to action for Christians to counter the way the culture handles social issues. To be sure, the way the gospel compels us to respond to these issues definitely counters the way popular culture thinks of these issues.

Each chapter ends with a "pray" section that lists specific prayer points regarding the issue that is discussed in each chapter. Next, there's a "participate" section that gives readers ideas on how they can get involved in working to help solve the issue presented, and then there's a "proclaim" section that guides readers to truths from Scripture relating to the topic of the chapter. Additionally, the book's companion website provides more resources with suggestions on what Christians can do to get involved in countering the culture on these issues. 

Counter Culture is a great book because Platt's passion for the issues shine through, and he expertly educates readers on important issues facing society today. He doesn't stop there though. Platt uses Counter Culture to call Christians to action--to not just read about the issues and then move on, but rather, he wants to see Christians living out their faith by using their talents to address the issues that God calls them to. Platt uses the gospel to demonstrate why Christians are called to counter culture. This is a great read for Christians wondering how to handle the issues we see daily. 

A Bible study is also available to go along with this book. For details, you can visit Counterculturebook.com 

I received an eARC of this title in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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