2015 SpeakOut Staff
Last summer, I had the incredible opportunity to serve with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) at SpeakOut in Hungary. God taught me a lot about serving Him, witnessing, and trusting His Him through that experience. Since coming home, I have been able to take the training and experience I received there to continue to share the gospel.
This summer, I am excited to be returning to SpeakOut. SpeakOut is a unique ministry opportunity. It's a five week program, running from June 30th through August 3rd, where Americans live at a college dorm and run weekly English camps for Hungarian campers. As an American tutor, I will have 3-5 girls in my tutor group. Each week, a new group of campers come, and through daily "tutor times," we share the gospel with them. My favorite part about SpeakOut is that we share the gospel by living our lives with them: we go to the beach, the town square, the cafeteria, etc, and simply live life with them while showing them the love of Christ. SpeakOut is based on the idea found in 1 Thessalonians 2:8: " Having so fond an affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become very dear to us." By sharing our lives with our campers, the American tutors are able to share the gospel in a very personal way. I think this is what makes SpeakOut such an amazing ministry project.
In order for me to take part in this ministry opportunity, there are two specific needs. First, I need prayer partners. This would be completely impossible without a lot of prayer. Would you please consider committing to partner in prayer with me? The second need that I have is financial support. The total cost for the trip is $4,350. This includes airfare, lodging, food and ministry materials. This is a daunting need, but I faith that it can be met. Would you please consider praying about joining me as a financial partner? The ideal date to have all of the funds raised by is June 1st.
If you would like to commit to being a prayer partner, please let me know! I will be sending out specific prayer requests leading up to the project and during the project as well. If you are interested in supporting me financially, you can do so by donating online at https://give.cru.org/0760455
As I prepare for this project, I am reminded of Romans 10:14: "How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?"
Thank you for considering partnering with me to help share the gospel in Keszthely, Hungary this summer.
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