Sunday, May 1, 2016

{Book Review} "Chase Away Cancer" by Ellie Poole Ewoldt

Rating: 5/5 

"I'm so brave." 

When Chase Ewoldt was just two years old, doctors found a tumor measuring 6 centimeters in his brain. Facing brain surgery, months of chemotherapy and radiation, Chase always remembered to be brave. Chase's mom wrote
Chase Away Cancer to tell Chase's story of bravery, and to point readers to the One who gives Chase, and his entire family, strength to be brave.

Leaning on Christ, Chase's life verse became Joshua 1:9: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Chase Away Cancer is a memoir that reveals in our weakest moments and darkest days, we can always rely on God to be with us. The Ewoldt family endured many, many difficult months as they fought Chase's cancer, yet they clung to the hope that God provides strength to carry on.

It is unexpected to read a book about a little boy fighting cancer, and find encouragement in it. That's not what you would expect when picking up a memoir written by the mother of a little fighter that endured months of cancer treatment. Yet, encouraging is definitely the right word to describe Chase Away Cancer. It is encouraging because Chase's story demonstrates the power of turning to God for strength instead of trying to survive on our own. Readers of this book will be encouraged by Chase's story because it is one of dependence on God in the most difficult of situations. Chase Away Cancer is a must-read for every Christian because the Ewoldt family's story points readers to Christ in how they handled Chase's devastating fight. 

This book is full of inspirational advice on how to handle difficult things in life, but the most inspiring quote of the book comes from little Chase, who often declared, "I'm so brave." Like Chase, we all need to be brave to endure this messy, hard life, and we find this strength through Christ alone, as the Ewoldt family demonstrates in the retelling of Chase's story. 

I received a copy of this book from Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.

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