Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Random Questions: June Edition

1. List the credit cards in your wallet. I don't have any credit cards; just a Visa debit card.
 2. How close to perfect was today? It was a nice day. :)
 3. When did you last sing out loud? On my way home from work this afternoon while I listened to the radio
4. What was the last gathering you attended? My best friend's graduation lunch
 5. Did anything make you sad today? My knee hurting made me a bit sad; I want the pain to go away!
 6. Share a secret thought. I've been thinking about how terrible it will be to have either Trump, Sanders or Clinton as president. Good thing God's got it all figured out already!
7. List 5 things you wish you invented. Coffee maker, iPhone, pony tail holders, pens and paper.
8. What’s the last recipe you prepared? Banana bread
9. Who is your most reliable friend? Emily
10. What made you lose track of time today? Reading
11. What are you confident about? Jesus saves.
 12. How did you do it? Perfectly. :)
 13. What is the last purchase you made? Coffee
14. Did you show someone appreciation today? Yep, even gave someone a thank you card.
15. How many push-ups can you do? One? Maybe.
16. What are you looking forward to? Seeing friends from out of town!
17. What is your favorite dish to prepare? Honey sesame chicken
18. There is no such thing as too much love
19. What is the most important thing you were told today? "I appreciate you."
20. What was the last thing you thought about today? The current state of American politics
 21. What is the last book you read? Saving my Assassin 
22. What matters today? How well I love
23. What project are you working on? Getting things prepared for my mission to Hungary!
24. What is your most prized possession? My books
25. Were you ‘good’ or ‘bad’ today? Umm...good?
26. What is the smartest thing you did today? Didn't get lost while driving (small miracle!)
27. What was in your mailbox today? A bunch of junk
28. Today I was so tired
29. The last thing I bought myself was coffee

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