Thursday, July 20, 2017

30 Days Until I Move

In 30 days, I'll board a flight to Budapest. In some ways, I'm ready to be there now. In other ways, I feel like I still have so much to do. If I try to think about it all, I get overwhelmed, so I've been making daily to-do lists and trying to think about what needs done each day rather than what needs to be accomplished in the next thirty days.

Even though I'm 22, I've never had more "adulting moments" in my life than in this past week. Something about preparing to move overseas alone sure makes me feel like an actual adult. One of my goals was to get my retirement savings started before I move--talk about #adulting. I was so relieved to check that off my to-do list yesterday! Other things have included sorting out tax information and creating a system for tracking expenses.  Finances are my least favorite thing about this whole transition, but God has worked it all out beautifully and I have nothing finance related left on my to-do list. YAY.

Throughout this transition up to this point, God has really been teaching me to rest in His comfort about the unknown. There's a lot I feel that I need to know, but I don't yet. But I'm going anyway. I've never taught in a high school before and the unknowns associated with my new job are enough to terrify me, but I'm oddly okay with the not knowing. That's God. I've never, ever been someone to be completely okay with simply not knowing much about my future. I often don't like to think about it because the uncertainty scares me. But in the past few months, God has just surrounded me with His amazing peace. I'm moving to a new city in a country I've only visited for short periods and I'll be changing professions altogether--but God's with me. It's that truth alone that has gotten me to this point and it's the truth that will comfort me for the rest of my life.

I recently heard the song "Hills and Valleys" for the first time. I really, really love it. I feel like it's the perfect song for me to be reminded of God's presence in my life, especially when I'm in a new country and facing many, many valleys but also experiencing hills.

I leave in 30 days and while I'm rightly just a bit nervous, I'm mostly so very excited to be following God's call for my life.

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