Sunday, January 17, 2016


I think my word for 2016 needs to be "contentment." Lately, this has been a real struggle for me. But not in the way you might think. I don't have any problems with being content with what I have. I know I am blessed to have a safe home, a wonderful family, amazing friends, food, clothing, etc. The thing that I struggle to be content with is where I am. My contentment struggle has nothing to do with what; it has everything to do with where. 

Almost four years ago, I moved from Nashville to Memphis. To say that I hate Memphis would be an understatement. I love and miss Nashville so much. I miss my friends there. I miss the city. I miss the life I had there. This year, my goal is simply to have a better attitude about living in Memphis. I know that God has me living here for a purpose, and not being content with where He has me is wrong. Knowing this and actually living like I believe it are two different things. It's easy to say that I need to be content with living where I live. It's much harder to actually be content here.

When I looked up Bible verses on contentment, I ended up in Philippians. 

Paul wrote this while he was imprisoned. Here I am struggling with being content living in a city I simply don't like, and Paul is writing that he is prison! Wow. God had Paul in that prison for a purpose, and He has me in Memphis for a purpose. I have to seriously work on being "content in whatever circumstances I am." Paul was content in prison; I have no excuse for having a negative attitude and being discontent in Memphis.

In 2016, I am going to actively work toward being content in where God has placed me. What area of your life do you need to work to be content with?

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