Monday, January 18, 2016

{Book Review} "Jesus: Listening to His Voice" by Kay and David Arthur

Rating: 5/5

Jesus: Listening to His Voice is an inductive Bible study guide for Mark 7-13. It is the second of three parts of the 40 Minute Inductive study on Mark. Just like the first book in the study, this Bible study guide leads a group through an inductive study of Mark in a 6 week, no homework format, meaning it is ideal for a group to use for a once a week Bible Study. 

Each week of the study begins with an introduction to the text, then moves onto "observe" sections, "insight" sections and discussion sections. The "observe" instructions clearly explain how to mark the text and the "insight" boxes offer valuable contextual information about the text. The discussion questions are provided as a way to help guide a group through understanding what is going on in the text. Each week is concluded with a "wrap it up" section that helps to solidify the information learned in that week's text. 

While the 40 Minute series is intended to be used in a group setting, it also works great as a personal Bible study, which is how I have been studying Mark. This particular study is fantastic for people who are new to the Inductive method of studying the Bible because all of the instructions are laid out clearly and the reasons behind why a certain word should be marked a particular way are explained so that readers can make the connection between a marking and what is represents. Whether in a group with people new to the inductive method or a group experienced with it, Jesus: Listening to His Voice is a wonderful way to study Mark 7-13. 

I received a copy of this book through the Blogging for Books program in exchange for this review. All opinions are my own. 

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