Friday, March 31, 2017

March 2017 Summary

I never got around to doing a February summary, but here's one for March.

What I Learned

In March, I embarked full-on into support raising. I learned that while support raising can be incredibly scary and challenging, it is also a process that has grown me so much in just a month. Initially, the thought of asking people, in person, face-to-face, for support, terrified me! Now, I've had more than 30 meetings in the past six weeks and God has taught me to rely completely on Him for support instead of thinking I'm on my own. If I were on my own in this endeavor, I'd crash and burn. This month, I've learned to trust God with my support raising journey. It's been an incredibly journey so far, and I'm looking forward to finishing up!

This month, I also began meeting with a Hungarian friend for Hungarian lessons. This is so much better than studying Hungarian from textbooks on my own! I've only had one lesson so far but I enjoyed it so much. I'm very slowly beginning to learn the basics.

What I Read

Goals for April
-Become fully funded monthly!
-Read at least 5 books
-Watch 2 Hungarian films
-Continue studying Hungarian

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